MCAT Biology
Biology | Orgo | Physics | Chemistry

Biology content on the MCAT is arguably the most expansive section, requiring multiple college-level courses for proficiency. While you can be successful with only intro-level coursework in other areas like general chemistry and physics for the MCAT, you should have completed coursework or have comfort with all of the following biology topics:

  • Eukaryotic Cells
  • Cell Biology
  • Reproduction
  • Developmental Biology
  • Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi
  • Biochemical Pathways
  • Human Gas Exchange, Circulation, Digestion, and Musculoskeletal Function
  • Human Renal, Endocrine, and Nervous Systems
  • Heredity
  • Evolution, Populations, and Ecology

Note that while you should be able to navigate these topics with comfort, you don't need to have a Master's degree in any of these subjects to be successful. Since the MCAT is a critical thinking and application test, the core content tested is often relatively superficial, with the focus being on applying the material.

These are our 5 most popular MCAT biology practice questions. They've each been answered by thousands of people - give them a try!