365 Days of MCAT® Question a Day


M Prep is proud to offer Volume 1 of our book 365 Days of MCAT® Question a Day. Continuing our committment to bring you a valuable yet affordable prep service, we have created this book to supplement your print-based studies. We have also been able to secure the cost of this book to you for just $15.

The book contains over 350 questions from the 2008-09 year of our website, plus 40 never-before-seen questions in the form of 8 passages - two passages for each of the four science subjects. Each question has a corresponding answer in the back of the book.

One component of the book is found online: Periodic Table

To purchase the book, please visit our page HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the book cost 15 dollars?
Our ongoing committment is to bring you a free service. With that in mind, we can't offer free products. As a compromise, we are offering the book for the minimum price we can to get by. Our final publishing costs occupy the majority of the cost of the book; the remaining costs help us cover our own operating costs and help ensure we are able to bring you the highest quality prep we can.

Ok, is it REALLY 15 dollars? What about shipping and all that? Where are the hidden costs?
You caught us; it's not just 15 dollars. Our publisher will charge you shipping. To receive the book by mail, they will charge $3.99 for shipping in the continental US. The final price you will pay is $18.99 (no sales tax). That is, of course, unless you demand the book sooner in which they will charge you more for the rushed service. In Canada, they will charge you a bit more plus GST.

What kinds of questions are in the book?
The book contains questions from the 2008-09 year that are posted on our website. Some of the questions are removed and many of them are polished. All of the answers are printed in the book as well. We figured if you were going to pay for the questions in print, you should get a high-quality book equal to that of our brand-name competitors. You will also find 40 exclusive questions in the form of 8 passages; 4 passages per science subject. These questions are not and will never be posted on our website - an added incentive to get never-before-seen practice questions! What you will NOT find in this book are tutorials; we really wanted to bring you a high-quality but no-frills book that you will actually use in its entirety.

Why should I buy this book?
Well there are a couple of reasons. First, you get the materials in print, which you can take with you and have on paper to study with, just like any other prep book. You can sit down with it for longer study sessions and really have a more in-depth experience study experience. Second, you are helping support MCAT® Question a Day, which for the past two years has not charged you a dime for its service. Of course, there's no pressure. We hope the book will add to your prep experience.

Are you publishing more books I can buy?
Yes, but not yet.

Does the book have a verbal section?
Unfortunately not. The downside of us minimizing the cost of our service is that our resources are low, and verbal questions are resource-intensive. In the future, we hope to be able to offer verbal questions, but for the time being we are unable to do so.

To purchase the book, please visit our page HERE.



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